Use Your Anger To Spring Forward
We are entwined in the rhythms of Nature and our bodies and lives can not help but be entrained by Her rhythms. We've been going inward
The Structure Of Network Chiropractic Care Has 5 Different Energetic Rhythms Or Phases
There are five fundamental, vibrational distortion patterns or defense patterns that are characterized in Network Care. These defense patter
Something To Consider This Flu Season: Recent Research Shows Your Body Is Full Of Viruses All The Ti
Microbiome/Virome Research Shedding Light On Reality So much a part of our yearly cycle and so widespread is the buzz surrounding the flu...
Radical Pain Relief Solution
Like most chiropractors people come to me with pain and are motivated by the possibility that their pain will go away. When people ask me if
Louisville Chiropractor Helps Boulder Woman Find Tinnitus and Carpal Tunnel Relief
"Network Care has changed my life on every level – physically, emotionally and spiritually. In the beginning, I mostly experienced a...
The Transformational Gate & The Heart Entrained State | Jay Uecker, D.C. | Louisville / Boulder,
In 1985 a New York chiropractor named Donald Epstein began developing a gentle form of wellness, chiropractic care that he called Network...
Sciatica Needs To Be Approached Delicately To Achieve Sciatica Relief | Louisville / Boulder, CO |
We will be discussing the topic of sciatica in this article. Sciatic pain manifests itself as various kinds of pain radiating from the...
A Fresh Look At Lower Extremity (Hip, Leg, Knee, Foot) Pain And How To Get Relief | Louisville, CO
In this piece we are going to cover lower extremity pain. The lower extremities are comprised of the the hips, legs, knees, calves,...
Support The 'Muscle Of The Soul' And Get Low Back Pain Relief | Louisville, CO
A while back I did a workshop where I taught my personal embodied awakening routine which consisted of a series of yoga poses from a...
Neck Pain Relief & Trivia Question: How Many Neck Bones Does A Giraffe Have? | Jay Uecker, D.C.
I want to talk about neck pain. And I want to make this a little more interesting for my sake and yours and ask you a little trivia...