Sciatica Needs To Be Approached Delicately To Achieve Sciatica Relief | Louisville / Boulder, CO |
We will be discussing the topic of sciatica in this article. Sciatic pain manifests itself as various kinds of pain radiating from the low back or buttocks, all the way down to the foot. Being stabbed with an ice pick, burning and electric shock are a few of the ways that individuals describe the unpleasantness of sciatic nerve pain.
Sciatica takes its name from the big nerve that extends down the back of the leg, the sciatic nerve. There are individual nerve roots that leave the anterior part of the lumbar spine and sacrum. As these nerve roots make their way towards the bottom of the pelvic bowl they merge into one large, sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is a fairly large nerve, about as big around as your thumb. The sciatic nerve emerges from the posterior part of the pelvis and runs down the backside of the leg to the foot. Irritation or inflammation of the lumbar and sacral nerve roots can create the exact same situation with the sciatic nerve. There is also a different condition that can lead to sciatic pain: tight muscles where the nerve exits the pelvis. There is a muscle that spans the sacrum and the hip bone known as the piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve exits the pelvis through this muscle. Often a restricted piriformis muscle can result in sciatica by putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.
When taking a look at sciatic nerve pain from the perspective of the work that I do, you must consider that sciatic nerve pain finds its source in the core, defensive tension that lots of people store inside of their pelvis, lower back and belly. This muscle tension happens as a result of the survival programming that they stored a long time ago; when they were in the womb, when they were babies and when they were young kids. This early on in our development, the brain doesn't have the capacity to think yet, the nervous system is just sensing into the environment. Resonance or entrainment are among the terms that depict the way in which our nervous systems are sharing information with our environment during this stage in our lives.
As we're sensing into the world around us, we're feeling into our mom and dad. As we're feeling into our mom and dad their systems might give us the sense that certain feelings, sensations and emotions are a threat; that the world's not safe. When that happens our system utilizes muscle tension at the very core of our spine to wall off the energy that had been deemed unsafe. It uses our posture in order to keep certain parts of our bodies separate from other parts and to create stretching inside of our spinal cord. When our spinal cord is being stretched it diminishes its ability to conduct information and reduces our ability to feel. Our system also shuts the breath down to certain areas because if you move an area and breathe into it you must feel what's happening there and our nervous systems have decided that certain areas are not safe to feel, and so it locks the area down with muscle tension and shuts breath down to that region.
Sciatica is actually just one of symptoms created by the tension from survival patterning inside of our low back, belly and pelvis. It could also result in digestive issues, reproductive organ concerns, and other symptoms that are assocaited with the low back and pelvis area.
You can surf the web and get all sorts of remedies for sciatica. Those options are likely to provide short term relief at best. We'd like to approach sciatic pain from a more holistic viewpoint and make a long term change. That will require showing your system that it's possible to connect with this tension in the low back, belly and pelvis and integrate it. That's a delicate matter because of the fact that the pelvis, low back and belly are very sensitive regions so they must be approached carefully.
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