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Interested In Becoming A New Client?

The following instructions apply to you if you're totally new to this type of care, or if it's been a while (longer than 6 months) since you've had regular care (1 or more visits per week) at another Network office.


First, we need to connect on the phone.  Clicking the following button will take you to the online scheduler where you can book a FREE 30 minute Phone Consultation so I can answer any questions and get a feel for your needs.  I will call you at the time you've scheduled and the number you've provided.
You'll also need to download and fill out the paperwork in step 2.


Adults, you will need the 'Adult History' and 'Consent' forms when you come for your In-office Consult / Exam Visit. If you'll be bringing your children (13 years or younger), you'll need a 'Kid's History' form and a 'Parental Consent' form for each child. Please download the appropriate forms, print them, fill them out and bring them with you.


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