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Meet Dr. Jay
Dr. Jay has been practicing Network Spinal Analysis professionally since 2002. He is one of a limited number of practitioners around the world who are certified to practice Network Spinal Analysis, a revolutionary form of wellness care within the growing field of re-organizational healing.
His educational journey has taken him from Lincoln, Nebraska where he received a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science, to Minneapolis, Minnesota and Northwestern College of Chiropractic where he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. He has served in places like India and Peru and is currently the director of the Network Life Center in Louisville, Colorado.
Take A Tour
Christopher Village
1017 E. South Boulder Road
Christopher Village
The office is located roughly at the intersection of 95th Street (aka HW 42) and South Boulder Road.
When coming from Boulder on South Boulder Road, you'll pass by Main Street and the stop light there, cross over the train tracks and take an immediate left into the Christopher Village Offices.
Turn right into the parking lot. The building says 1017 on the side. Go up the stairs to Suite H1.
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