What Is Network Spinal Analysis (a.k.a. Network Chiropractic or Network Care)?
Network Spinal Analysis
In 1985 a New York chiropractor named Donald Epstein began developing a gentle form of wellness, chiropractic care that he called Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), also known as Network Care. He and his Wise World Seminars organization (www.WiseWorldSeminars.com), now located in Longmont, Colorado, have been researching, refining and teaching Network Care all over the World ever since.
According to Epstein the purpose of Network Care is to activate and sensitize, what he has termed, “spinal gateways” (Epstein, “Introducing the”). Epstein’s spinal gateways are purported to be focal points of free or unbound energy that tend to be located on spinal segments where the dura (the connective tissue sheath that surrounds the spinal cord) attaches to the vertebrae, generally in the areas of the cervical and sacral spine. In other words, spinal gateways appear to be a bridge between the energetic structure of the body and the physical structure of the body. When a spinal gateway is activated and sensitized through touch, it becomes a powerful “oscillator,” or generator of available free energy and resource “that serves to assist the central nervous system in moving from [a state of] defense physiology and accompanying posture toward one of adaptive self-assessment and reorganization” (Epstein, “Network Spinal” 13).
Entrainment Activates The ‘Heart Oscillator’
Network Care is delivered in a series of levels of care, each level adding a new tier of complexity, organization and adaptability to the whole body-mind system, along with another oscillator. The culmination of these levels of care, and the entrained oscillators that go along with each level, is that of level three and the development of the “heart oscillator” (Epstein, “Network Spinal” 23). Once the heart oscillator is activated, it sensitizes and entrains the physical, mental/emotional and energetic systems to the coherent patterns of Intelligent information that are said by Epstein to be generated by the heart’s energetic field. Because the principles of entrainment play such an important role in this process, Epstein began referring to a Network session as an entrainment session, or simply, an entrainment.
Landmark Research Study
The heart-entrained state produced by a Network entrainment results in a wide range of positive shifts in health, wellness and consciousness. These positive shifts were documented in a landmark research study, conducted in 1997, involving nearly three thousand people who were receiving Network Care across the USA, Australia, Canada and Puerto Rico. This study, carried out in conjunction with noted neurobiologists at the University of California, Irvine Medical College, found that Network Care is associated with statistically significant, positive shifts in: physical well-being, stress levels, emotional and psychological well-being, life enjoyment, lifestyle changes and overall quality of life (Blanks, Schuster and Dobson).
We Are All Connected and Entraining to Each Other
Through his uncanny ability to track patterns and observe energetic phenomena in people, Epstein noticed that his client’s nervous systems were entraining together. That is, they appeared to be sharing the wellness and consciousness shifts via the information exchange between their overlapping energetic fields, or “energetic intelligences” (Epstein, Senzon, and Lemberger), as Epstein would later refer to them.
Because of these observations, Epstein began performing entrainment sessions with multiple people positioned on tables next to each other. He also noticed that when multiple people received a Network entrainment together, a powerfully amplified, group entrainment field was created which seemed to increase the potency of the entrainment session for those involved.
Leveraging the Heart and the Principles of Entrainment to Create Positive Social Change
Epstein recognized that spreading the wellness and consciousness benefits of the heart-entrained state to large numbers of people represented the potential for making a significant, positive social impact. Subsequently he began holding weekend- long programs, called Transformational Gates, where three hundred to five hundred people would come together in order to receive a number of Network entrainments and spend time in the resulting, heart-generated, group entrainment field. As of the writing of this paper there have been 147 Transformational Gate programs held in numerous places in the United States, and Europe. To date these Transformational Gate programs have served approximately thirty thousand individuals. In addition to this, it is estimated that some thirty thousand people receive ongoing Network Care at private offices all over the World (Lemberger). These numbers continue to rise as more and more people feel compelled to seek out the natural, heart-centered solutions for living that our current and future eras are demanding that we find.
Works Cited:
Blanks, Robert H., Tonya L. Schuster, and Marnie Dobson. "A Retrospective Assessment of Network Care Using a Survey of Self-Rated Health, Wellness and Quality of Life." Journal for Vertebral Subluxation Research 1 (1997): 15-31.
Epstein, Donald. "Introducing the concept of the 'Spinal Gateway'" The Official Website of Dr. Donald Epstein. 29 Sept. 2011 < http://www.donaldepstein.com/nsa/nsaarticles.shtml>.
Epstein, Donald. "Network Spinal Analysis Care: Intermediate-Advanced Care Intensive Seminar Advanced Preparatory Notes." Wise World Seminars. 2006. 28 Sept. 2011 < http://www.wiseworldseminars.com/>.
Epstein, Donald, Simon Senzon, and Daniel Lemberger. "Reorganizational Healing: A Paradigm for the Advancement of Wellness, Behavior Change, Holistic Practice, and Healing." The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15 (2009): 475- 87. Reorganizational Healing. 20 Oct. 2011 < http://www.reorganizationalhealing.com/ROH/EI.html>.
Lemberger, Dan. direct conversation
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