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Louisville Chiropractor Speaking At Denver Church On "The Power Of Our Attention To Access Our

Through our attention, we are tapped into a special domain; the special Nothing from which the present moment, and everything in it, arises. This special domain goes by many names, some of which include Awareness, or Source, or Nature. When we penetrate the present moment with our attention we're connecting more directly to Awareness/Source/Nature and it entrains us--that is, It shares Its properties and characteristics with us directly through resonance. As the properties and characteristics of Awareness/Source/Nature get infused into us, we become more and more included within the action of Awareness/Source/Nature, as opposed to something acting apart from It. There's something really satisfying about allowing Awareness/Source/Nature to act through us, and when Awareness/Source/Nature is acting through us we're going to be a lot more effective than we otherwise would have been.

If this Awareness/Source/Nature things sounds too esoteric, we can talk about it in a more sciency way. Think of our reality as a horizontal line with the consensual 'stuff' of reality (the things that most of us can agree exist, like our bodies, chairs, rocks and chocolate pudding) above the line and this Awareness/Source/Nature zone below the line. All of these things exist on kind of a hierarchy. At the top are our bodies and the chairs and the rocks and the chocolate pudding. We know through science that all of this stuff is made up of molecules. And we know that those molecules are made up of atoms. But what are atoms made of? When we get down to the subatomic level, things start to get interesting. According to quantum physics, the materials that make up atoms are referred to as subatomic 'particles.' But these 'particles' are not so much solid stuff as they are “probabilities,” continually blinking in and out of existence... weird. When these particles blink out of existence where do they go, and when they blink into existence where do they come from? Scientists are currently debating about a domain that neither emits nor absorbs light or electromagnetic energy, from which these 'particles' come and go. They call it things like dark matter, dark energy, missing mass, hidden matter, shadow matter, etc... Sounds to me like the special Nothing that is Awareness/Source/Nature.

Awareness/Source/Nature, and its influence, flows up through the subtler threads of reality to the less than subtle building blocks from which we are made. The river that It flows on expresses Itself through us as our attention. So our attention is a kind of conduit for Awareness/Source/Nature. When we direct our attention at something, the object of our attention receives the creative sustaining power of Awareness/Source/Nature. It's kind of like our attention is a hose or a pipe through which the creative, sustaining power of Awareness/Source/Nature flows. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of this and so their attention is kind of spraying around willy-nilly, in the same way that a pressurized garden hose might whip around and spray water hither and yon. You can imagine how life might get complicated and confusing for someone if they don't understand that their attention is responsible for the growth or the shrinking of this thing or that thing in their life.

Once we've figured this out, however, we can point our creative hose at things we want in life in order to give life to them. We can get a certain job. We can make a certain amount of money. We can have a certain relationship. That's pretty cool, and relating to our attention and Awareness/Source/Nature in this way will result in a certain amount of satisfaction and fulfillment.

But after we mature a bit, it's inevitable that we start to get curious about what's down that hose, and we might start to feel compelled to look down into it. When we look into the hose, what we're doing is directing our attention toward Awarness/Source/Nature. Since our attention is a conduit for the very same, we end up turning Awareness/Source/Nature back onto Itself. When we do that we become a kind of Awareness/Source/Nature reactor. Awareness/Source/Nature begins to fill us up. We become harmonized to It. Everything we do or create is more motivated by Awareness/Source/Nature and everything we do or create has more of Awareness/Source/Nature in it. There's a whole other level of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes when we're allowing Awareness/Source/Nature to create through us.

So how do we look down the hose? Well, our sensations, emotions and thoughts exist at the level where subatomic 'particles' blink in and out of existence; really close to Awareness/Source/Nature. If we turn our close attention towards the thoughts sensations and emotions, we'll notice that they're arising and disappearing; coming and going. That may sound obvious and mundane, but our emotions, sensations and thoughts are arising out of Awarness/Source/Nature and disappearing back into Awareness/Source/Nature. If we get good enough at paying attention to the comings and goings of our emotions, sensations and thoughts, and especially if we get good at noticing the goings, we can kind of surf on the wave of emotions, sensations and thoughts and ride the wave back into Awareness/Source/Nature.

How can you learn to do this? The meditation classes that we hold regularly are for just such a purpose. Click here to see when the next meditation workshop is. Click here to see guided meditations from our last retreat on "Circuit Training For The Soul."

For some more direct and specific help, the work that we do at the Network Life Center is designed to give you a direct experience of what is possible for your body and life when you start to turn your attention toward Awareness/Source/Nature. Click here to read an article that describes how the care that we provide can do that.

Feel like you're ready to get started? Click here and follow the directions or call us at 303-664-1256.


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