Louisville Chiropractor Speaking At Denver Church On "The 4 Benefits Of Living A Conscious Life
Living A Life Of Satisfaction, Effectiveness, Peace & Trust
There are times when I get just a little bit despondent and I find myself asking, "Why live a conscious life? What's the point?" I've noticed that this usualIy happens during a certain, critical part of the healing journey. The healing journey--the life journey (they're synonymous you know)--has rhythms. There are certain, predictable patterns that show up in our lives as healing takes place. From a certain, two dimensional perspective we can say--and everyone knows--that "life has it's ups and downs." Those ups and downs are really happening on a three dimensional level as a function of the expansion and contraction of the Universe. Along with this Universal oscillation, Consciousness is expanding and contracting. As a part of the larger Consciousness, our consciousness is expanding and contracting, as well.
It's when I'm at the narrowest part of the contraction, in the birth canal if you will, that I'm being asked to look more closely at things that don’t serve my authentic self. I'm being asked to get clearer on what I want and don't want, what works and doesn't work. I’m being asked to take some action for the sake of aligning more completely with my authentic self. On the other hand, it's when I'm at the widest part of the expansion that old relationships are going away to make room for new ones. I'm finding that what I thought was solid is not solid any more. There's nothing substantial to push off of. I'm being asked to let go. In either case it seems that wherever I place my attention, it lands on some version of intensity and discomfort. It's during those times that I start saying, "What is the point? Why live consciously?"
If we stay present, we'll have some level of a direct experience of the very thing I just mentioned, as well as the insight that goes along with it: life expands and contracts. I know, it sounds pretty mundane. Well, it is and it isn't. On one hand it's extraordinary because its the nature of Nature. On the other hand it's extra ordinary, again, because it's the nature of Nature. In any case, if our being is just a little more connected to the natural, rhythmic nature of life, the next time we experience the narrowest part of the contraction or the widest part of the expansion, we'll be less apt to take our mind so seriously when it starts wishing things were the way they used to be, or worrying about where things are going. We'll be less apt to experience the contraction and expansion of life as something that's crushing us and/or ripping us apart. It can be more like life is giving us a massage; a little existential body work, if you will.
When we add our conscious attention to life's rhythms; when we penetrate the moment with more of our attention, the knots and the adhesions--the resistances--get worked out. We become a being more closely aligned with the Source of life. We are harmonized by Source. We entrain to Source--that is, the properties and characteristics of Source are transferred to us, directly, through resonance. In our lives the properties of Source reveal themselves as a life filled with deeper satisfaction, a greater level of effectiveness in everything we do, a greater sense of peace and a trust in the process of life.
You may have experienced this in your ordinary life and not necessarily known it. You may be able to remember a time when you were particularly engaged in an activity that's meaningful to you. You may remember times when you were focused on that activity and times when you were more distracted. It's likely that the times where you were focused stick out in your memory because there's a good chance that during the times when you were focused, you found the activity to be more satisfying and you were probably a lot better at it too.
There are other circumstances under which you may have experienced the effects of deeply penetrating the present moment with your attention. Maybe you were really sick. Maybe you were being accosted in some way. Maybe you were drowning. Or maybe you were in the midst of some sort of accident. It's during these times that people report time slowing down. They feel relaxed and accepting of the situation even though severe injury or death may be close at hand. It's during these times that people experience the peace of connecting with the Source and the trust that comes along with it.
Fortunately we don't have to wait for some life threatening event to happen to us to have an experience of penetrating the present moment with more attention. We can make the choice to live a conscious life. We can make the choice to bring our attention to the present moment. The present moment comes to us through our senses: thoughts, emotions and sensations. When we give the present moment our attention, we notice that these thoughts, emotions and sensations come and go; they expand and contract. The Universe is holographic in nature. That means that the smaller expansions and contractions of our senses are holograms of the larger expansions and contractions of the Universe. When we sensitize ourselves to the contractions and expansions of our senses, we are also sensitizing ourselves to the larger expansions and contractions of the Universe. This means that through our senses we can have a direct experience of the the expansion and contraction of the Universe.
Again, the benefits of this are a life of deeper satisfaction, effectiveness, peace and trust.
How can you learn to do this? The meditation classes that we hold regularly are for just such a purpose. Click here to see when the next meditation workshop is. Click here to see guided meditations from our last retreat on "Circuit Training For The Soul."
For some more direct and specific help, the work that we do at the Network Life Center is designed to give you a direct experience of what is possible for your body and life when you start to turn your attention toward Awareness/Source/Nature. Click here to read an article that describes how the care that we provide can do that.
Feel like you're ready to get started? Click here and follow the directions or call us at 303-664-1256.
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