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Longmont Musician's Epiphany Brings Migraine Relief | Louisville, CO Chiropractic

Length of time in care: Since February of 2013

What brought you to the Network Life Center?

I had run into several people who had told me about Network Life, and specifically Jay. These are people I respect and they each shared such wonderful things about the unique care and approach that it made me curious. I had a couple of chronic issues and decided it was time to deal with those with a person that felt like they had a different approach to chiropractic.

What did you experience during your first few visits that made you want to start care here?

Well, without meaning to sound too esoteric—the first visit, I literally just laid down on the table and my breathing went into the microcosmic orbit, which is a Qigong breathing exercise. For whatever reason, my entire being just felt like it needed to be here—undeniably! I remember feeling light and spacious within all weekend and my hip issue had totally changed. This continued, and when your entire being responds like this, you cannot deny it.

What has changed in your body and/or life since you started care?

A certain spaciousness and opening. It feels like my spine has become my friend instead of something I need to “deal with.” My chakras have been whirling in a new way more consistently. I have been singing more clearly as the energy gets unstuck. I’m feeling more connection between my mental and emotional selves… not to mention spirit.

What is it that keeps you coming back to the Network Life Center?

It feels like I’m unwinding from past stuckness and sludge. Jay is so intuitive, it just feels like on a subtle (or not so subtle) level, all the pieces of me in this physical body are becoming more able to connect with that spiritual element we all strive for by moving through the emotional… not what I imagined chiropractic to be.

During your time here, have you had any insights about your relationship to yourself, others and/or the World that you think would be important for others to understand for themselves?

During my time here I’ve had many insights. What surprised me initially (and call me slow or not paying attention) was the connection I felt between the physical and the emotional. I guess I’d thought of chiropractic as kind of a physical fix. Then when you felt better physically, you’d naturally feel better emotionally. With Jay, that has been different. As things begin to open up and certain areas of blockage begin to unravel, I’ve been realizing that it truly is all connected. It’s not that I didn’t make the connection that emotional trauma was connected to the physical and spiritual. I’ve had plenty of massage and Rolfing. But with chiropractic, it felt like I didn’t need to be as “present.” I found, here with Jay, that in fact we need to be present and ‘voilà,’ our entire beings become involved with the process. So I’d say to all, it’s important to understand that you are already involved in the process, so you may as well be as “present” as possible. Pay attention on all levels. My relationships in life have become softer, gentler and more clear and dynamic. I also believe this work has opened me up for more and deeper spiritual work. I’d liken it to resonance and vibration. It’s ever so clear to me, that that’s what we’re doing here. So keeping that moving and unbroken feels like what Jay is all about.


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