Circuit Training Routine For Connecting To Soul (Video Commentary & Guided Meditations)
Circuit Training For The Soul
For the last four years or so I've been following the work of Shinzen Young. Shinzen has developed a system of mindfulness meditation that organizes and combines many of the meditation systems that have developed over the last few thousand years. One of the ways he organizes his system is as a constellation of 3 different, main themes. He refers to this constellation as a "Psycho-Spiritual Workout:"
Exploring self and the world
Using Shinzen's system we can familiarize ourselves with this world by exploring the world as it comes to us through our senses: thoughts, emotions and sensations.
Transcending self and the world
Using Shinzen's system we can explore the Source form which our senses arise.
Improving self and the world
Once we have deconstructed our experience of the world and our sense of self as we know it by following our senses into their Source, we can reconstruct ourselves and influence the world in a positive way by focusing our attention to amplify certain positive traits in ourselves or positive outcomes for the World.
Spiritual Circuit Training Meditation Workshop
I held a mindfulness meditation workshop a couple of weekends ago, the theme of which was, "Spiritual Circuit Training." The following videos are from that workshop. There are two commentary videos (in addition to the one above) and three guided meditation videos that you can use to begin to 1) deconstruct your seemingly solid experience of this world and the sense of self that goes along with it, 2) have a direct experience of the world from which reality arises and 3) reconstruct your sense of self and the world in a way that is congruent with your new connection to the Source. Below each video you'll find a summary of the video's content.
Let Us Help
I hold a mindfulness meditation workshop on different themes once every other month. If you're interested in attending, sign up for our email list and you will be notified when these workshops come around or take a look at upcoming events right now.
If you'd like more personalized and direct wellness and awakening help through the gentle, chiropractic work (known as Network Spinal Analysis or Network Care) that we do at the Network Life Center, click here and follow the instructions to get started.
Part 1
A. Guided Meditation: Exploring This World: The World Of The Senses
The world comes to us through our senses: sight, touch, thoughts and emotions. If we start to pay close attention to how the world arises through our senses we can untangle the ways in which our senses have gotten tangled up on an unconscious level. As this happens we can have useful insights about the way that we interact with ourselves and the world and how that creates a certain sense of self, and how we're kind of maintaining a certain sense of self. This is a 25 minute, guided meditation that can be used to start to become more familiar and more conscious of our experience of the world and the sense of self that arises within it.
B. Commentary: Using Restful States To Move From The World Of The Senses Into The World Of Flow
When we pay attention to restful states we can become sensitized to the space that is in and around everything. As we do this we become more aware of the space and the solidness of our reality can start to break up. As reality starts to break up we can become more aware of its impermanent nature as the seeming solidness of reality can start to turn into flow.
C. Guided Meditation: Using Restful States To Move From The World Of The Senses Into The World Of Flow
This is a 25 minute, guided meditation that you can use to start to move from the more solid experience of this world into an experience of how everything is actually flowing.
Part 2
A. Commentary: Riding Vanishings Into Source
As our seemingly solid reality starts to break up into flow, we can become more aware of where it's flowing from and where it flows to. If we become aware enough of where it's flowing to we can kind of surf our flowing senses into Source.
B. Guided Meditation: Riding Vanishings Into Source
This is a 25 minute, guided meditation that you can use to learn to surf your sensations into the Source from which they arise.
Part 3
A. Commentary: Improving Self and World
When our world and our sense of self has broken up and we follow the flow of our senses into Source, there is a deconstruction of our sense of self that happens. We can then reconstruct our sense of self by focusing our attention on positive traits or outcomes and in this way we can give back to the world.
B. Guided Meditation: Improving Self and World
This is a 9 minute, guided meditation that you can use to reconstruct your sense of self and give back to the world.
Let Us Help
I hold a mindfulness meditation workshop on different themes once every other month. If you're interested in attending, sign up for our email list and you will be notified when these workshops come around or take a look at upcoming events right now.
If you'd like more personalized and direct wellness and awakening help through the gentle, chiropractic work (known as Network Spinal Analysis or Network Care) that we do at the Network Life Center, click here and follow the instructions to get started.
Special Thanks To Shinzen Young
The foundation for these guided meditations are concepts and techniques developed by a brilliant mindfulness meditation instructor names Shinzen Young. He does regular phone based retreats which I highly recommend for anyone. They are an easy way to learn some powerful meditation techniques from the comfort and privacy of your own home, while simultaneously having the benefit of a group setting.
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