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Our Attention: The Key To Deep Satisfaction And Great Effectiveness In Life

Like most people I can tend to associate the feeling of happiness with certain situations in my life: having a decent job, living in relative comfort, having stable relationships, having my body work like I think it should, etc... This kind of happiness, however, is a surface level kind of happiness. It's a mere precursor to the deep level of satisfaction that's possible; a kind of satisfaction that sticks around even if the job, the comfort, the relationship or the well functioning body doesn't. The key to achieving this deep level of satisfaction has to do with our attention and what we're doing with it.

For example, you may remember times in your life when you were engaged in some activity that you particularly liked. Maybe this activity was a hobby, or maybe a sport, or maybe an artistic thing you do like painting, etc... If you think back you may remember times during which you were really engaged in this activity; really focused on it. You may also recall times when you were not so focused. The times when you were focused and engaged might stick out because there's a good chance that, during those times, you found the activity to be more satisfying, and you were probably a lot better at it than during the times when you were not as fully engaged.

There may be other times in your life that really stick out in your memory as being events or moments that were really meaningful in some way. Maybe those moments include significant experiences communing with nature, or maybe a significant experience of making love, or maybe an experience after having done some sort of drug, or maybe you were giving birth. Significant moments might also include moments where severe injury, or even death, were close at hand. Maybe you were really sick, you were drowning, you were being mugged or you were in the midst of some accident or natural disaster.

All of the above are examples of times where people might get really focuses and engaged with the present moment. They might report that time slowed down. They may report that they could sense everything around them very vividly. They might report that they were not worried at all, even though severe injury or death may have been imminent. Events like all of the above tend to stick in people's memories and they may say things like, "That event changed my life forever."

Why did these events change their lives forever? On one level it may seem obvious. Maybe they achieved some seemingly impossible feat as a result or maybe they almost died. Of course they had a different perspective after that. But I would suggest that it's not because of the event, it was because of what happened with their attention in those moments. They were able to deeply penetrate the present moment with their attention, they tapped into something there, and that's what changed their lives forever.

The good news is that we don't have to wait for some random event to occur before we can deeply penetrate the present moment. And that means that we don't have to wait for happenstance to magically deliver deep levels of satisfaction and great effectiveness to our lives. We can train ourselves to be able to penetrate the present moment with our attention on a regular basis. The result of such training is that we can be better at everything we do in life and everything we do in life can be much more satisfying.

The meditation classes that we hold regularly are for just such a purpose. Click here to see when the next meditation workshop is. Click here to see guided meditations from our last retreat on "Working With Pain."

For some more direct and specific help, the work that we do at the Network Life Center is designed to give you a direct experience of what is possible for your body and life when you start paying closer attention. Click here to read an article that describes how the care that we provide can do that.

Feel like you're ready to get started? Click here and follow the directions or call us at 303-664-1256.

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