Louisville Chiropractor Helps Personal Growth & Insights Around Sciatica

Length of time in care: About 8 months [since June of 2011]
What brought you to the Network Life Center?
Actually out of curiosity. For about 10 years I have heard from friends and business associates about the effectiveness of “Network Chiropractic.” Although I am very open to energy work and non-traditional forms of healing, I have never been a big proponent of chiropractic in general. I always thought that it might be possible to align the spine to create temporary pain relief, but in a few days the pain would return and there would be no change to the patient. However, a dear friend asked if I would try a session and she would then receive a free treatment. I could not resist a way to help a friend, satisfy my curiosity, and not spend any money!
I showed up for my free entrainment expecting my friend to also attend but she had forgotten so I had a wonderful first session with Jay… and from that point, I became a believer and a solid practice member!
What results have you experienced?
From the purely physical point of view, I did have frequent sciatica from many spinning classes and regular outdoor cycling. Upon rising in the morning, I also found myself stiff and somewhat sore. After regular treatment, the physical symptoms have totally subsided. And prior to meeting with Jay, I had done regular Pilates and worked with a physical therapist to eliminate the sciatica. But more than eliminating the physical symptoms, I have been able to reflect on, appreciate, and acknowledge the emotional pain underlying the physical expression. I feel so much more relaxed with my breathing, can relax and reenergize with Dr. Jay’s guidance, and have found solutions to the emotional and intellectual challenges that were causing my underlying symptoms. I have found peace and understanding and am so appreciative.
Why do you continue to receive care?
Every time I visit with Dr. Jay, I encounter a new insight, and experience greater personal growth. My body feels much more flexible and relaxed. I have discovered insights about my purpose and my relationships with others. I am on the path to profound emotional and intellectual peace of mind and physical well-being.
What experiences do you enjoy most at the Network Life Center?
I enjoy the relationship I have with Jay. It is one of trust, openness and great comfort. I feel unconditional acceptance in his presence. I also thoroughly enjoy the relaxation, the time to reflect, the great insights I have experienced and the comforting ambience of his space. With the help and guidance of Dr. Jay, I use this time for me… to expand my mind, my emotions, my self- awareness, and to take one step further to reaching some sense of “enlightenment.” I am very grateful for his care.
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