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Louisville Chiropractor Reveals The Power Of The Heart To See Into Future

This trailer if for a movie about the concept of Oneness and some of the recent science that supports the idea that we are connected to everything and everyone around us. At the center of that connection sits the human heart. Research from the Institute of HeartMath in California is showing some amazing things about the importance of the human heart:

The heart generates the body's most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field. Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart's field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain's magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers.

When you come into contact with someone else's heart field your nervous system "entrains" to theirs: We have been able to measure an exchange of heart energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart. We have also found that one person's brain waves can actually synchronize to another person's heart. Furthermore, when an individual is generating a coherent heart rhythm, synchronization between that person's brain waves and another person's heartbeat is more likely to occur. These findings have intriguing implications, suggesting that individuals in a psychophysiologically coherent state become more aware of the information encoded in the heart fields of those around them.

When I'm entraining someone, my experience is that after a bit the heart center starts to buzz with energy and takes over as the main pattern generator in the system. The way it appears to me is that the nervous system can then observe areas where protective armoring has happened and observe those places from the vantage point of the heart. Those places then start to vibrate like the heart center and the tension involved with having protected that area starts to dissipate or move. Note also that 5 feet is about the distance that separates the tables in our office. I notice that when there are multiple people in the room, the process that I've explained above happens with a lot more ease, presumably because people's heart fields overlap and amplify the effect. I've written more about the entrainment process in another article, "What Is An Entrainment?"

Some more interesting things from the Institute of Heartmath: A study, described in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, was reported by psychophysiologist Rollin McCraty and his colleagues from the Institute of Heartmath in Boulder Creek, California. McCraty's group simultaneously measured skin conductance, heart rate, and brainwave activity before, during, and after 26 participants viewed emotional and calm pictures. They found that both the heart and the brain responded about 5 seconds before the future emotional stimuli, and to their amazement, that the heart responded before the brain.

A rigorous, scientific study conducted by the Institute of HeartMath on intuition and the heart monitored the response of subject’s hearts and brains with electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms, respectively, while showing them either emotionally neutral or emotionally charged images which were generated, at random, by a computer. The study uncovered many interesting findings, the most provocative of which was the fact that the subject’s hearts responded, on average, 4.75 seconds before emotionally charged images were revealed to them—before the computer had even decided which image to show them. This study led researchers to conclude that the heart has access to a field of information that transcends the classic limits of time and space. In other words... our hearts can see into the future.

Works Cited:

"Everyone Can See At Least Five Seconds Into the Future." MIND POWER NEWS: Unleash Your Mind Power to Create Health, Wealth and Success. Web. 01 June 2011. .

"The Heart Has Its Own "Brain" and Consciousness." Information That Elevates the Mind and Body â€" Mindful Muscle Blog. Web. 01 June 2011.

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