Life Shows Up In Our Bodies As Tension Or Changing Posture
As above, so below. As without, so within. So say the writings found in the ancient Hermetic texts in reference to the various levels of reality: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It means that what happens on any one level must also necessarily happen on every level. Another way to say it is that changes that are happening on the MACROscopic level are also happening on the MICROscopic level, and vice versa. An example of this is the forces that keep the Earth and the planets rotating around the sun. The same forces that apply on the macroscopic level of our solar system can also be applied at the microscopic level when we consider electrons rotating around the nucleus of an atom.
Look at a picture of our Universe and it looks oddly like a brain cell.
Look at a star nebula and, ironically, it has the same shape as a strand of our DNA.
The birth of a cell looks like the death of a star.
A closeup of the eye looks like a star nebula.
The changes happening on the macroscopic level are happening on a grand scale and are thus, much easier to observe. Changes happening on the microscopic level, on the other hand, are generally much harder to observe. We couldn't know, for example, that something as large as our solar system had anything in common with the minute building blocks of matter until we developed the microscope; a tool that could help us observe things on this small scale. Once the microscope was developed, paradoxically, it gave us a much broader perspective on our World. We became aware that we were made of the same things as the stars, as our Planet, as all other living things on this Planet. We realized that everything we observed happening on the outside was also happening within us. That realization changed everything from religion, to politics, to economics, to medicine, to manufacturing.
On the grand, macroscopic scale there have been some obvious changes happening on this Planet in recent years. The physical structure of the Planet is shifting as there have been giant storms, flooding, massive earthquakes and tsunamis in various places around the world, most recently in Japan. In the Middle East sociopolitical structures are coming absolutely unglued. The as-above-so-below-as-without-so-within principle implies that these changes are also happening on a more microscopic level, as well. I find this to be true if I look to my life and the lives of those I'm close to, right now. There are tectonic shifts happening in the lives of my circle of friends. One is moving back to Tennessee. One is starting school. One is quitting a job, selling his tools and dedicating himself to three months in a Buddhist monastery. Yet another has recently moved to New Zealand, literally the other side of the World. If you've been following my email you'll know that there have been some changes with the Network Life Center. Personally, I'm being asked to step into a larger role; a new level of service.
These changes in my life and the lives of my friends have not been without turmoil. It's natural for there to be some stray debris as old, worn out structures are crumbling and being reorganized. When you clean out your closet it creates temporary chaos on the floor of your bedroom until it's all reorganized in the closet again. We (every one of us along with our Planet) are cleaning out the closet right now. Time will tell how big of a job it is. Once we get into it, we might discover that a complete home remodel is in order.
How about your life? Is your world being shaken up in any way? Are old roles and identities falling away? Are you being asked to step into new roles? What is the state of your relationships at work, with friends, family, money, material possessions? Are any of these things wanting to shift?
Your body is a barometer for the changes trying to happen. Are you feeling tension, is your posture trying to change, do you feel emotions welling up, is it uncomfortable to be in your body? Again, using myself as an example, I feel the tension building and releasing as the tectonic plates of my structure strain to find a new relationship. Emotional waves build up and break as I meet parts of myself with acceptance and reclaim my power; my true identity. Energy bubbles up through my stuck parts as they dissolve like an Alka-Seltzer tablet in the waters of awareness and acceptance.
Awareness and acceptance lubricates this whole process. Let your attention rest in your body. The Intelligence that animates our bodies to life is a subset of the same Intelligence which animates the lives of everyone on the Planet; even the Planet itself. This same Intelligence is responsible for the processes now taking place in the World, in our lives, in our bodies. The realization that these process, painful as they might be, are Intelligent processes happens when we look really closely at ourselves. This realization adds a powerful quality of ease to the whole thing. Awareness and acceptance is the consciousness equivalent of the microscope. Remember how being able to look really closely at the outside world facilitated a perceptual change that connected us with everyone else, with the very stars? How much more profound would that realization be when we are able to observe and have a direct, felt experience of the very Intelligence behind it all?
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