How Is The Work At Your Chiropractic Office Different From Other Healing Modalities?
Different modalities use different systems of the body as gateways to access the body's natural healing capacities. Acupuncture works by restoring the flow of stuck energy within the meridian system. Rolfing works by removing the chemical and physical adhesions that form in the connective tissue and cause misalignments in the structure of the body. Cranial-Sacral works by restoring and balancing the flow of cebral-spinal fluid that moves between the skull and the tail bone. Conventional chiropractic works by removing the pressure that misaligned vertebrae put on the spinal cord and nerves.
All of the body systems mentioned above are coordinated by the nervous system. The work that we do at the Network Life Center interacts with all aspects of the nervous system (physical, mental, emotional and energetic), directly. Click here to read an article I've written that explains how it's possible to work with all aspects of the nervous system directly.
Furthermore, most healing modalities, even so called 'alternative' or 'natural' healing modalities, focus on fixing what's not working. The work we do at the Network Life Center works by amplifying your system's awareness of what's working--of what's resourced--thereby taking advantage of your nervous system's amazing ability to self-observe and self-organize. When your nervous system can observe itself from a place of resource, it can reorganize itself around that resource. Click here to read an article I've written about what it means to take advantage of our nervous system's ability to self-organize.
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