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Learn The True Cause Of Upper Extremity (Shoulder, Elbow, Carpal Tunnel) Pain And A Way To Find Reli

In this piece we're going to talk about upper extremity pain. When we're speaking about the upper extremities, that consists of the shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, fingers and hands.

As I've stated in all of my articles concerning pain, in order to understand the origin of the majority of the pain that many of us experience, we have to go back to to when we were inside the uterus and when we were just babies and when we were just toddlers. In the very earliest periods of our lives, we hadn't developed the ability to think and so we were just feeling or sensing into our surroundings. This primordial part of our nervous system was resonating directly with the basic, energetic makeup of the world around us.

Relating directly to the world this way meant that we were sensing the moods and behaviors of everyone in our vacinity, including our parents. Our systems naturally took on the survival patterns that were present in our parent's nervous systems due to an instinctual desire to fit in with the herd. Making these survival patterns in our systems meant that the energy that was viewed as threatening to experience was disconnected from through muscle tension, a shutting down of the breath in addition to changes in posture. The reason that we modify our posture is to stretch our spinal cord, which effects the nervous system's ability to move energy. So all of these things contribute directly or indirectly to extremity pain.

We could tend to suppose that if I have hand pain or elbow pain that there has to be problems inside my elbow or my hand, etc. However, the part of the spine that is the control center for the upper extremities is usually the problem. For instance, the nerve roots that leave from the lower neck and upper back are the nerve roots that feed nerve supply to the shoulders, arms, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. The tension being held in the body as a result of the survival patterns in the system create changes in the structure, which is one reason for the pain. If there's a problem in the upper back and neck, there's oftentimes some form of distortion in our upper extremities. When we modify our physical posture to stretch our spinal cord, it stretches the nerve roots that connect to the extremities, impacting on the basic physiology of all of the cells that are connected to those stretched nerve roots.

In the end our nervous system is holding tension and stretching our spinal cord in order to disconnect from the energy of a hurt, trauma or accident, or series of them experienced over time, that we couldn't integrate. That energy remains waiting in the wings, trying to get assimilated. Pain is often the only way it has to get our attention. Our attention is the enzyme which allows the stuck energy to begin integrating.


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