Happy Valentines Day: Love The Parts Of You That You Hate To Love...

Interesting times indeed... It's amazing the thrashing about that is going on on Facebook and everywhere else. This is the perspective that is allowing me to remain calm: it's all part of the process of integrating our dark parts. The only way any real change is going to happen in our external world is if we as individuals change our relationship to the parts of ourselves that we've been pushing away. So this Valentines Day turn your heart toward those parts of yourself you've disowned. They're often the parts that are sad, angry, betrayed, jealous, full of shame, guilt, doubt, hate... there are others of course. We can even form strange relationships with things like joy and happiness. Just today a woman that I was working with came into direct contact with a story that said, "It's not OK to get TOO happy." So there were parts of her that wanted to be happy but there was also a program that said, "It's not safe to get TOO happy." So whenever she found herself getting happy, which is what she wants and who she is really, there would be this internal conflict between parts of her that want to be happy and parts that believe that TOO much happiness is a problem. Today she started to see the part that believes that TOO much happiness is a problem, through the eyes of her heart. Invoke your heart in whatever way works best for you. Maybe you're visual. Maybe words do it for you. See those disowned, dishonored, pushed away parts of you through the eyes of your heart. Give them permission to be felt.
Here's a piece by Ken Wilber that places the current political situation in the context of our continuing evolution. It's kind of heady and it's long but I think it has to be those things in order to give you a sense of the whole picture. It mirrored a lot of things I've been thinking and feeling but was not quite able to put my finger on. And it's in line with this coming-into-relationship-with-our-disowned-parts theme.
In last month's newsletter I was cautioning you to be very intentional about where you were putting your focus--what you were thinking and feeling about--because that time felt like a fertile bed for creating new things. One of the things I had intended for 2017 and have been wanting to do but wasn't sure how I was going to make it happen, was to write a book. Then I happened to catch a glimpse of this coaching program on Facebook: Publish Your Best Little Book In 90 Days. Well, so now I'm writing a book. Cool, huh?! This book is designed to support my growing desire that this office be full of people who need the important work that's happening here at the Network Life Center. Expect this book to come out in the beginning of May. Also, to that end, if there's anyone you know who's in pain of any sort, who might be interested in utilizing that pain to support their growth as a human being, please pass this message along to them and tell them to click the link to receive a special offer. Happy Valentines Day, Jay
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