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It's Probably Not Because You "Slept Wrong"...

network life center jay uecker slept wrong pain

Since, I'm always telling you what I think I know about the healing journey and where you're at on that journey at the moment, you might have been fooled into thinking that I've got the journey all figured out. Since I'm always telling you what to do with your pain you might think that I don't deal with pain. Well, I'm struggling with something and I thought you might get a lot out of it if I told you about it. In the past few months, something has been coming to a head in me. It has to do with this part of my spine between the heart and the throat. As I may have mentioned to you in the past there are different parts of the body that house different aspects of our being. Each of those parts of our body kind of houses one of our personalities. Each of those personalities have their own way of holding themselves, their own way of running energy and their own emotions, their own mental filters that they see the world through. The characteristics that are housed by the part of the body that I'm talking about is the part of us that knows what feels true and right and gives us the capacity to express that, to draw healthy boundaries, to honor the parts of us that have needs, and in my case, to trust my own sense of myself, my own sense of what I want. There's a way in which I've been pushing that part away. Let me tell you something, as I've come into contact with it in my body and the energy that is bound up there starts to move, it hurts. My right shoulder blade hurts so bad. When I turn my head to the right it's like someone is stabbing me in the shoulder blade. There's a constant annoying ache that extends down into my elbow and sometimes my wrists. And I kind of just woke up one day with this. If I didn't know better, I might think that something was wrong. Have I "slept wrong (one of my personal favorites)?" No, if I pay attention to what's going on in my life and the themes that seem to be coming to surface it's clear I'm moving through something. When we see things through the lens of "something's wrong," we're liable to start scrambling around trying to fix it. Make it go away, take Advil, run to the chiropractor, etc... How would it change if you knew that nothing was wrong, that in fact, your body was in the process of reorganizing itself to a higher level. How would that change things? Well, you'd hold it, you'd be curious about it, you'd communicate with it. You'd try to help it along. You might be excited to know that you're evolving and exciting to see how that will look, anxiously awaiting the birth of a new part of yourself. You'd attend to the discomfort and all of the uncomfortable feelings that come up instead of trying to push them away, get away from them. You'd be more apt to see the feelings that come up as important to your life. You'd pay more attention to the themes that were coming up in your life.

Give it your attention in the ways that I describe above and you'll start to see how you are playing an active role in catalyzing your own evolution.

If there's anyone you know who's interested in maximizing their growth and evolution as a human being and feeling a lot better in their body along the way, please pass this article and this offer along to them.

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