Be Careful Where You Point Your Manifester Right Now...
A quick look at what they're saying about the new year online will tell you that it is the beginning of a new cycle. Of course any new year is the beginning of a new cycle and carries with it it's own deaths and rebirths, but 2017 is a Universal 1 year (2+0+1+7 =10 which can be reduced to 1). It's the beginning of a new 9 year cycle and a new cycle of creativity, learning and growth.
Numerological musings aside, it feels true to me. 2016 was a big year for finishing things. I believe the journey we've been through with my daughter and her right kidney tumor has connections to a pattern in my lineage. The thing that got me into this line of work was a chronic low back/hip situation on the right side of my body. The more closely I've come into relationship with it over the years, the clearer it's become that it's related to my ability to step forward into my authentic power and give my gifts. I saw Oriah's osteopath a few months back and he said that my whole right low back/hip thing hinges on my right kidney. In Chinese medicine the kidneys are related to a certain flavor of life force energy in our bodies that is intimately linked to our evolutionary growth. It was timely that I saw him as he helped polish off the last vestiges of some aspect of this ability-to-step-into-my-power-and-give-my-gifts issue. There's something new brewing inside of me that I see coming to fruition sometime this year. I'll bet that you can relate to some of this, yourself. Part of this shift for me involved closing the Boulder office. It became clear to me that providence had stretched me in the direction of Boulder where I picked up some new skills and awareness and met some new people, but that that cycle has been completed. I've brought those new skills and awarenesses and consolidated them in my office in Louisville. And if you haven't visited me at the Louisville office since I made the move, I suggest you check it out. I've rearranged the office a bit, added some plants, some art work and some new tools, all in the name of accommodating the newness that is coming through me. I think it feels great here and those of you who I saw here last week affirmed that sentiment. Right now, I'm engaged in the process of planning for next year. It feels really important to consciously and intentionally set the tone for the year to come. I suggest that you get as clear and intentional about what the coming year is going to be about for you. Be careful where you put your focus, what you think and feel about, because whatever you point your manifester at right now, it's likely to appear in your reality in 2017 and beyond. On one of my tables here at the Louisville office would be a great place for you to be right about now. Click the following link to schedule yourself online... I look forward to helping you express more life in 2017, Jay
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