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Connect To Resource & Safety In Your Body & Watch Your Life Grow...

group of people receiving an entrainment at Network Life Center by Jay Uecker, D.C.

From the moment we come into this World, a very sensitive part of our nervous system begins feeling out into our environment, assessing what is safe or not safe, for the purpose of survival.

It’s at this point that we come into contact with the way in which everyone around us is pushing against their basic, human vulnerability, fragmenting themselves and separating themselves from others and from the flow of life. Out of a perceived need to fit in and survive, we adopt this way of being, as well. This fragmentation shows up physically as we use muscle tension and postural distortion to sequester the energy related to parts of ourselves that we’ve judged as unacceptable. It shows up emotionally as we limit the range and depth of what is deemed safe to feel. And it shows up mentally as we later devise stories to support this limited way of being. Resources are being used to maintain these survival programs, resources that we don’t get to use for things like adapting to stress, recovering from injury, healing from past traumas, loving and giving our gifts. At some point when, either the resources being used to maintain this programming start running low, or when life and our bodies conspire to nudge us toward the next stage of our evolution, the structures associated with the survival programming start to break down and the energy that has been sequestered starts to bubble to the surface. It’s not uncommon for this to manifest as pain, organ systems that aren’t working like we’d like them to or emotional issues, all things designed to get us to stop and pay closer attention, as something new is trying to emerge. A few contacts made along the spine in the right place, at the right time, in the right direction, with the right amount of force can amplify the parts of the system where resource and safety exist. When the system can access resource and safety, the resistance to what’s emerging in our body/minds softens and this new way of being can unfold, often resulting in the resolution of the physical, physiological or mental/emotional “problems” that were present before. But even if the symptoms don’t resolve, the direct experience of novelty and trust in life and the felt sense that we’re on the right track comes more and more to the foreground, and the “problems” inevitably fall further into the background.

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