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So Called Health Problems Are Really Health Solutions

It's in hind sight that we can see that our health "problems" were actually pointing us in the direction of a better us, and thus were actually the solution. This is something we don't get to experience if we don't or can't stay present with what we're experiencing in the midst of a healing crisis, and so never get as far as extracting the wisdom from the "problem." And so it stays a problem, and so does the next one and the next one and we don't escape the conditioned, habitual way in which we've been relating to our bodies and lives. Here is a talk I did which explains the work I do and gives some context to the healing process so that next time a health "problem" arises, you might trust a little more and be better equipped and more motivated to stay present and see the health problem through to the health solution that your body and life intended for you.

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