Should I Get The Flu Shot? Better To Ask What Is The Immune System And How Do I Strengthen It?
Every year about this time people start asking me what I think about the flu vaccine. A few years ago I wrote an article in answer to this question. The article is entitled, “Microbes and Viruses: Part of Nature’s Plan for Human Evolution.” If the title has piqued your curiosity, feel free to read the article in its entirety. Otherwise, I've hit the high points for you in the following summary.
As you might be able to tell from the title, my opinion about the flu is based on some over-arching ideas about our relationship with the Planet. My experience tells me that we are connected to the Planet, and that, as the Planet changes and evolves, we are compelled to change and evolve with it. From the standpoint of this paradigm, our ‘health’ is defined by our ability to adapt with our ever-changing Environment. I think microbes and viruses such as those associated with the flu are just one of the many elements that Nature uses to nudge us along.
There are a couple of reasons I think this to be so. First is my experience. I notice that “getting sick” always happens in concert with a process of healing and evolution. I’ve experienced this myself and I’ve experienced it in the people that I’ve worked with over the years. I’ve seen over and over again how the “getting sick” process plays a part in a measurable, positive shift from one level of physical, mental and emotional organization to another. The second reason I believe this to be so has to do with some new research that has recently been done. Following on the heels of the Human Genome Project, researchers decided to start mapping the genome of the microbes that share our bodies with us. Through their research they discovered that there are 10 times more microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc…) in and on our bodies than there are cells in our bodies. In a way we are more microbe than we are human. They found bacteria, viruses and human cells working synergistically together to do things like digest our food, signal cell growth and development, and regulate our immune systems. It’s clear to me that the Intelligence that animates the Planet, our bodies and the world of microbes is orchestrating a very complex and refined relationship between us and our Environment in an attempt to help us heal and evolve.
So its not true that we need to engage in a battle with the world of microbes in order to secure our health, as the mainstream healthcare model would have us believe. In my opinion, this is an idea propagated out of fear so that they can sell us a solution. Check the list of ingredients that go into a vaccine and you’ll see that it is a dirty and unrefined solution, at that. Research the possible side effects and you will find that vaccines are definitely not without serious risks. Research flu vaccine efficacy and you'll run across studies that conclude that the flu vaccine doesn't do what it's supposed to do. I don’t trust pharmaceutical manufacturers with my health, and as one study showed, neither do most mainstream healthcare workers.
I've learned through experience that the Intelligence that our bodies share with the Planet will not lead me astray—I’m certain it will not lead you astray either. We only need to bring our attention to the life force energy moving in our bodies to access the Intelligence there. When we do that we free up resources that have been otherwise used to survive. We find that the fight to survive was not necessary, the fear unfounded and we tend to naturally make health decisions from the standpoint of an already available, inexhaustible source of abundant health. When we’re anchored in our bodies and have a direct, felt experience of the Intelligence there, the thought of the flu vaccine will likely feel a little silly.
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