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Reverse Your Poor Posture Permanently With Minimal Effort | Chiropractors Louisville / Boulder, CO

Posture is a really important factor in our health, wellness and awakening. It's really connected to a lot of the different symptoms that people experience in the bodies. From pain anywhere in the body to herniated discs in the lower lumbar spine and the lower neck, emotional issues that people experience such as depression, anger, to things in the lungs like asthma and things going on with the heart. In men I notice high blood pressure. In women, thyroid issues or hotflashes. Headaches. A lot of things are really connected to our posture.

You might wonder how it is that posture is tied into all of these things. If we go back to when we were in the womb, when we were just little babies or little kids, the part of our nervous system that's online is a part that's just feeling into our environment. There's no thinking going on. Our system is just relating directly to our environment through resonance, through entrainment. When we're feeling into our environment, we're feeling into our parents and the people around us. We might get the sense from their system that there are some sensations, feelings, emotions that aren't safe to feel. When our nervous system gets that sense, it creates a survival pattern around the energy that was deemed unsafe to feel. The way that looks is that we hold tension in our body to sequester that energy. We also change our posture, naturally.

What's happening when we change our posture is that we're stretching our spinal cord. Our spinal cord runs through the bones in the spine and it's anchored in the neck and in the sacrum and tailbone. The spinal cord floats freely everywhere else, though. When we create stretching in our spinal cord it decreases the nervous system's ability to conduct information, especially emotional information.

This pulling or stretching is something called adverse mechanical cord tension. It's a term that was coined by a, now passed, neurosurgeon named Alf Breig. He did a lot of work with the spine and the nervous system and discovered that there's a strategy that humans have where we create this pulling or stretching in our spinal cord and, again, it's something that we use to decrease our ability to feel. This is handy if you're at a time in history a or place in the world where life is really really tough. And there are still places in the world where life is really really tough and where not feeling is a handy strategy. Fortunately there are larger and larger parts of the world where that's becoming and outdated strategy.

So There's a lot of talk going on about how sitting at the computer is bad for your posture, how looking at your phone is bad for your posture, how kids having a big heavy back pack is bad for the posture. It's true that those things are not helping the situation, however, those things are not the core situation that causes poor posture. That poor posture gets started way back way early on in our lives and it's do to these survival mechanisms in our system.

That's why we can't just change our posture. We can't just say, "Well I'm going to hold myself differently," because over time the bones the jointed the ligaments and the discs have all changed shape. Also, the system has decided that there are certain things that it's not going to let itself feel with a certain posture. So it's a matter of life and death on some level.

So what we have to do is we have to draw your nervous system out of defense. We have to give your system the idea that it is safe to look at that stuff, to look at that energy that's been deemed unsafe. When that happens, that energy starts to be able to integrate, digest into your system. Your body's self corrective mechanisms kick in and one of the things that happens is the posture changes. We become able to hold ourselves differently because we're able to let ourselves feel into that stuff. Of course, the symptoms that are associated with that posture can change.

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