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Will This Work Help My ___________ (fill in the blank with a symptom, syndrome, disease, condition,

Our bodies are constantly giving us messages about how to be happy and healthy. Unfortunately, as soon as we enter this world we run into a lot of stress. It's the subtlest stress that we encounter that has the largest impact, the stress created by the sense that this place is not so safe and it's not OK to just be who we are. Our nervous systems react by creating protective armouring in the form of deep tension in the core of our bodies and being that keeps us from feeling. This armouring requires resources; resources that we don't get to use for growing and healing and adapting to our environment. Eventually our bodies start to let us know that we've run out of spare resources to dedicate to more armouring and we begin to experience tension, or pain, or organ systems that aren't working like we'd like them to, or emotional issues. These symptoms are our bodies telling us to stop and pay closer attention.

There's something really powerful in our attention. Our attention is a conduit for the same force that animates the whole Universe. So when we give our bodies the attention they were wanting, they start to free up the sequestered resources, and healing and evolution can take place. This healing and evolution results in positive changes of every sort, including, but definitely not limited to, the disappearance of symptoms, syndromes, diseases and conditions.

In one of my articles on the subject, I write:

This healing and evolutionary process is more than a mere philosophical concept. It is a measurable and reproducible phenomenon that I have observed in the bodies and lives of the people I've worked with. The healing and evolution process is always evidenced by a decrease in the overall tension in a person's body, a positive change in their posture, a constructive shift in their perceptions of themselves and the World around them, an increased ability to adapt to stress, enhanced and refined body-mind awareness, increased range and depth of emotional expression, heightened sensitivity to their internal rhythms and the rhythms of their Environment and a tendency to make choices from that point forward that will permanently support and sustain these changes. To the extent that we can connect with our bodies and the wisdom therein, the energy that was previously bound up in the pain, or the symptom, or the "sickness," or the condition, or the disease becomes the energy that fuels our healing and evolutionary process. No matter how the "getting sick" process looks, whether it's a simple back ache, or allergies, or depression, or the flu, or even cancer, it is always part of a broader healing and evolutionary process that involves the shifting balance in our relationship with our selves, and between our selves and our Environment.

Click here to read the article and explore these revolutionary concepts in more depth.

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