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New Boulder / Louisville Schedule...

Further Your Healing Journey At One Of Two Great Locations... Or Both

I'm excited to let you know that the new schedule will start soon. The Louisville part of the schedule starts next week, Tuesday, October 21st. The Boulder part of the schedule won't start until the following week, Monday October 27th.

You can schedule yourself online through the new scheduling system, which can be found by clicking on 'Online Scheduling Current Clients' at the very top right of this very website.

You'll see tabs at the top for either Boulder or Louisville. If you have any trouble figuring out the system I'm more than happy to help you via phone (303-664-1256) or email ( I could also walk you through it when I see you at one of the offices.

I look forward to seeing you and I look forward to helping you express more life.


Jay Uecker, D.C.

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