You Know You've Come Full Circle When Your Most Challenging Life Circumstances Become Your Gift
Stephanie shares a heartwarming story about how she experienced her worst nightmare, she lost her husband, ended up with fibromyalgia and on
The Posture Depression Connection Part 2 | Louisville / Boulder, CO | Jay Uecker, D.C.
A little while back we did part one of a video on depression. What we talked about in that video was that everyone that I've every worked...
Feel The Emotion, Deflate The Pain...
In the previous video blog we started a conversation about pain. We talked about how pain is connected to the way we’re interacting with...
Alternative To Conventional Chiropractic Helps Boulder Woman With Posture And Unresolved Grief
Length of time in care: I've been working with Jay since October 2011. What brought you to the Network Life Center? I met Jay at the...