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Researchers, in conjunction with noted neurobiologists at the Medical College at the University of California, Irvine, studied almost 3,000 people receiving Network Care across the USA, Australia, Canada and Puerto Rico. The study found that Network Care is associated with statistically significant improvements in people's Health Related Quality of Life. People report across-the-board positive outcomes relative to their: Physical Well-Being, Stress Levels, Emotional and Psychological Well-Being, Life Enjoyment, Lifestyle Changes and Overall Quality of Life.
Below are some of the self-reported life improvements from individuals who participated in this monumental research study:
1. Improved Physical State:
- Less physical pain
- Less tension or stiffness of spine
- Improved allergies, eczema, skin rashes
- Fewer incidence of colds and flu
- Fewer headaches
- Less menstrual discomfort
3. Improved Response to Stress, i.e. Less Stress Relative To:
- Family
- Significant relationship
- Health
- Finances
- Daily problems
- Work
- General well being
2. Improved Mental/Emotional State:
- Positive feelings about self, less moodiness, less angry outbursts, less depression, more interest in life
- Improved ability to think and concentrate
- Less anxiety and concern about vague fears
- Improved ability to stay on task
- Less distress about pain
4. Improved Life Enjoyment:
- Openness to guidance by "inner voice feelings"
- Experience of relaxation and well being
- Positive feelings about self Interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
- Feeling open when relating to others
- Confidence when dealing with adversity
- Compassion for, acceptance of others
- Incidence of feelings of joy or happiness
5. Improved Overall Quality of Life relative to:
- Personal life
- Oneself
- Extent one adapts to change
- Handling of problems in life
- Actual life accomplishments
- Life as a whole
- Overall contentment with life
- Significant other
- Job
- Life being what one wants it to be
- Romantic life
- Actual work done
- Co-workers
- Physical appearance
In addition to these categories, there was also a significant increase in health promoting practices (positive changes in diet, exercise, etc...) and a decrease in health detracting practices (smoking, overeating, etc...).
A Retrospective Assessment of Network Care Using a Survey of Self-Rated Health, Wellness and Quality of Life
Robert H Blanks, Ph.D., Tonya L. Schuster, Ph.D., Marnie Dobson, MAJournal for Vertebral Subluxation Research Volume 1, Number 4 , 1997, p.15-31