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Books To Read
A common misconception is that genetics are supreme, if we have a genetic predilection for some condition, it is set in stone. Bruce Lipton talks about how we may have a gene for a certain condition but what's important is whether the gene is turned on or off. And genes are turned on or off based on a conversation they're having with our environment. The study of that which affects our genes but is beyond our genetics is called epigenetics. Click the link to buy this book.
Really what we're trying to achieve here at the Network Life Center is awakening, especially awakening at the level of the body; at the level of the "gut." That process is full of ups and downs. In this book Adya Shanti talks about the process of awakening and 3 different levels of awakening: awakening at the level of the head, the heart and the gut. Click the link below to purchase at
My experience tells me that any symptom, syndrome, disease, etc... is always, at least, a part of a larger process of healing and evolution. If we can somehow connect with the proper, internal resources, amazing changes can take place in our bodies and lives. This is a story of a woman who managed to connect with the resources necessary to heal herself of cancer. Click the link below to purchase at
This ebook, published by the Institute of HeartMath, consolidates 20 years of groundbreaking research around the Intelligence of the human heart. The research in this ebook is very helpful in understanding the work that I'm doing at the Network Life Center and its potential impact on our World. Click the link below to read on the IHM's website for free.
In this book Eckhart Tolle does a great job of describing the relationship between our authentic selves and our egos. I totally received a transmission while reading this book and had a sort of mystical experience, as his words carry the vibration of the Source from which he speaks. Click on the link below to purchase at
We are discovering that the Universe is holographic in nature. This means that every whole is supporting its parts and every part contains all of the information necessary to recreate the whole. Likewise we are discovering that we are not as separate from each other or from the Planet as we may have previously assumed. This concept has profound implications for healing our bodies, lives and World. Click the link below to purchase at
This is a book written by the creator and developer of Network Care, Donald Epstein. In it he addresses the healing myths in our culture. He divides these myths into 4 categories: social, biomedical, religious/spiritual, and New Age. He dispels the myths and offers alternative truths, "Healing Magic," to consider. Click the link below to purchase at
This book is also written by the developer and creator of Network Care, Donald Epstein. This book delineates the different stages or rhythms that people encounter as they move deeper and deeper into the healing process. It's not a read-from-cover-to-cover book. It's more of a reference guide. Click the link below to purchase at
Candace Pert is an expert in the emerging field of psychoneuroimmunology. This book was instrumental in helping me grasp the profundity, beauty and importance of the connection between our physiology and our emotional states. Her feminine point of view adds life to information that would otherwise be pretty dry stuff. It's also a story about a woman trying to give her gifts in a world dominated by men. Click the link below to purchase at
This book describes a method by which we can use a kind of mindfulness to tease apart the physical, mental/emotional knots that are both the impedance and the fuel for our growth. There are few how-to books out there. This one is a classic. Click the link below to purchase at
The subtitle says it all. It's an owner's manual for women trying to understand their man. Let's face it. We're hard to understand. I think this book does a good job of detailing the masculine/feminine dynamics. Click the link below to purchase at
This book was my relationship Bible for awhile. It details the ways in which a man would respond to his woman if he were centered in his own masculine being. At first I resisted everything he said in this book, and then through painful experience I realized he was right every time. The title may be off-putting to women but the powerful women I've known in my life have always thought that this was a great book. Click the link below to purchase at